Some time ago, I posted exciting news — over-the-moon kind of news — that ! Many of you have since asked me how my writing project is going and how is the book coming along, but these things take time. Instead, I want to let you know about the insights that have arrived since the announcement. This wisdom happens when we trust in the process and let go, something I have been doing a lot of lately. It seems that “letting go” and “letting be” allows for a whole lot of learning. These are very important pieces of our journeys because, by getting to the heart of our greater purpose, we are better able to understand the path that lies ahead.
It seems that there were things on my journey that I needed to let marinate, that I needed to learn. This is the insight that came to me in the past few months. The difficulty is that things are moving fast — at an unparalleled speed — and sometimes it’s hard to keep pace. I believe that many of us are experiencing how this pace can be a big, big challenge. I am grateful for my daily meditation and yoga practice and connecting with nature and connecting with my clients and the like-minds of my community – this keeps things in perspective; grounded.
But, here’s the thing, before we can move onto the next step or great thing or idea, chances are there is something we need to learn first. So, when we are feeling ‘stuck’ or ‘overwhelmed’ or have been presented with a situation where all we can do is ‘take flight or fight’, pay attention because if we allow it to bypass us, which we often do, we might miss the subtle feedback containing important messages we need to hear in order to move forward. When we slow down and listen, really get into the heart of it, our lives become much richer. And if we don’t get the teachings the first or second time, they come back again. Apparently, I am a slow learner. <Big Smile>
The lessons I have struggled with over the last few months have become a beautiful clarity, a feeling of contentment, and a strength like no other all embedded in a place of calm. This is Uplift and the message came out quite clear in The Manifesto.
Of course, this wouldn’t be possible without my brilliant clients and business partners — the people who I surround myself with, who help me and Uplift rise up. I continue to honour and respect all you do and I am grateful for these gifts, each one a rich addition to this transformative journey.
What if we all looked at our relationships with only honour and respect, using our words in such a way that allowed each and everyone of us to rise up? Our relationships would become filled with honesty, trust, and Genius. So, let’s focus on the good by honouring and celebrating it in everyone that comes across our paths instead of the old judgements and criticisms. Let’s look at moving toward a place of Being with what is then let’s celebrate the perfection.
Gloria Steinem said, ‘We teach what we need to learn and we write what we need to know’. I was so inspired by these words that my words simply flowed onto the paper. It feels as if, during this entire journey, that I have been just a witness to all this transformation. This is getting out of the way and letting things unfold in a beautiful harmony, a balanced melody. Yoga off the mat.
There are still great things to come, but these things do take time. I trust they are right where they need to be and will unfold into the present when the time is right. I know you appreciate this as much as I do.
Yesterday was the New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio 22*. I recommend that you take some time out today and days to follow to get quiet and listen to your breath expand into your body. Quiet down the mind, listen, let go and let be, even if it’s only for moments at a time. Place your hands on your heart and know you are fully supported. Afterwards, from an embodied and present place, put pen to paper and share what you truly want to accomplish in the coming days, months, and year ahead. The time is perfect and it’s ripe.
Your experience is unique. Write your story and share it with the people that will help you rise up.
“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” – Rumi
May all our learnings continue.
Much love and light, Paula
* The November 13 New Moon solar eclipse is the first in a series with the Nodes transiting Taurus and Scorpio. Echoing the October 29 Full Moon, this eclipse brings new urgency to examining our deepest values and needs. (Mooncircles)
Scorpio 22 Theme: This symbol speaks to directness, aims, and goals and to a mission or strong sense of purpose. (D.Roche, Sabian Symbols)
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